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Songbook Review: Coming Into View
Michael Logozar
Cover image of the songbook Coming Into View by Michael Logozar
Coming Into View
Michael Logozar
2014 / Michael Logozar
56 pages / 10 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Coming Into View is the companion songbook to Michael Logozar’s 2008 recording debut by the same name. Transcribed note-for-note by Rebecca Oswald, these pieces are as close to the recording as possible. Although the music is not simple to play, most of the songs are fairly slow and gently flowing. The transcriptions are roomy and easy to read with pedaling suggestions and metronome settings included. I wish the book was spiral-bound, as it will need other books to keep it open until it gets broken in. I did find a few places where the hands overlap or play the same notes and two measures where the right hand has 3 1/2 counts rather than four, but I think most pianists can figure out how to work around those areas. A few of the pieces have octaves and octave chords, but pianists with smaller hands should have no problems with most of the pieces. The music is beautiful and heartfelt, so pianists of an upper-intermediate to early advanced level will find much to enjoy and express. The songbook is available from Amazon and the individual pieces are available for download from michaellogozar.com. Recommended!

The song titles, the keys they are written in, and the number of pages are:

Orchard Hill - Key of Eb (3 flats) - 4 pages
Linger - Key of Ab (4 flats) - 4 pages
Soaring - Key of F minor (4 flats) - 6 1/2 pages
Autumn Rain - Key of D (2 sharps) - 8 pages
The Promise - Key of Gb (6 flats) - 4 pages
Waiting - Key of B minor (2 sharps) - 5 pages
A New Day - Key of E (4 sharps) - 5 pages
Almost June - Key of Ab - 5 pages
If I Could - Key of Eb - 6 pages
Coming Home - Key of C (0 sharps or flats) - 6 pages
October 2, 2014
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